California Labor Commissioner’s Office Expands Efforts to Prevent Wage Theft

Statewide Campaign Relaunched to Protect Workers’ Rights

California – The Labor Commissioner’s Office (LCO) has relaunched its Reaching Every Californian campaign to educate workers on labor rights, Prevent Wage Theft, and workplace retaliation protections. The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) is committed to ensuring workers understand how to identify and report labor violations.

Who the Campaign Targets

Since 2020, this campaign has focused on workers in low-wage industries, including agriculture, construction, warehousing, restaurants, and garment manufacturing. These industries often face high rates of wage theft and labor violations. Prevent Wage Theft

How the Message is Reaching Workers

The campaign will deliver information through radio ads, billboards, posters, and digital platforms. Key elements include:

  • Radio ads airing in Southern California, the Central Valley, the Bay Area, and the Central Coast.
  • Print ads placed in lunch trucks, supermarkets, laundromats, and salons where workers frequently visit.
  • Digital and social media ads targeting workers, including Spanish-language platforms and screens in Mexican consulate offices.

Labor Commissioner’s Message to Workers

California Labor Commissioner Lilia García-Brower emphasized the importance of this campaign:

“We want every worker to know they matter. California’s labor laws protect all workers, regardless of immigration status. By documenting wage theft and contacting my office, they can defend their rights.”

Where to Get More Information

The campaign’s website,, offers plain-language information about labor laws and reporting wage theft.

For updates on workers’ rights, employment law, and legal protections, visit

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