Cal/OSHA Cites Safeway for Exposing Workers to Hazards at Largest Warehouse in Tracy

January 7, 2025 – The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and its California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) have cited Safeway with $182,000 in proposed penalties for significant safety violations. These violations endangered approximately 1,700 workers at Safeway’s Tracy Distribution Center, their largest warehouse in the nation. Largest Warehouse in Tracy

Cal/OSHA issued citations for 27 violations, including eight serious ones, following a comprehensive inspection at Safeway’s Northern California facility.

Key Issues Uncovered During Inspection

Manual Material Handling Injuries

Safeway failed to identify and correct hazards related to lifting, carrying, and moving heavy items. The company also did not provide effective training for supervisors and workers on these risks, increasing the potential for injuries.

Recordkeeping Violations

The employer did not ensure the accuracy of annual employee injury and illness summaries. Additionally, Safeway failed to provide injury and illness recordkeeping documents to Cal/OSHA in a timely manner for review, leading to further compliance issues.

Indoor Heat Hazards

Safeway neglected to establish effective procedures for addressing indoor heat hazards in the dry building, which lacks temperature control. The company also failed to train employees adequately on the dangers of indoor heat and did not provide proper cool-down areas for workers during meal breaks.

Chemical and Health Hazards

Inadequate ventilation or exhaust systems were provided for employees welding in two buildings, posing risks of exposure to toxic substances. Furthermore, access to eye wash stations and safety showers was deficient in multiple work areas where employees handled corrosives.

Electrical Hazards

The inspection revealed multiple damaged electrical cords and unsafe electrical panelboards, creating significant risks of electrical injuries.

Training for Truck Operators

Safeway did not offer effective refresher training and evaluations for industrial truck operators. Consequently, operators lacked the necessary skills to handle trucks safely, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Cal/OSHA’s Statement

Cal/OSHA Chief Debra Lee emphasized the importance of recognizing the physical demands and potential dangers faced by warehouse workers. “Our inspection revealed that Safeway’s demanding warehouse quotas put its workers at risk of serious injury,” she stated.

Employer’s Right to Appeal

Employers have the right to appeal any Cal/OSHA citation and penalty notification by filing an appeal with the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board within 15 working days from receipt of the notification.

About Cal/OSHA

Cal/OSHA works to protect workers from health and safety hazards in almost every workplace in California. Employers and workers with questions or needing assistance with workplace health and safety programs can contact Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services Branch at 800-963-9424.

Workers in California, regardless of immigration status, are protected. Those with questions about workplace safety and health can call 833-579-0927 to speak with a bilingual Cal/OSHA representative between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Confidential complaints about workplace safety and health hazards can be filed with Cal/OSHA district offices.

For further details, visit the DIR Newsroom for the full announcement. More related content can be found on MedLegalNews.

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